Switching from Multitasking to Batch Tasking.

Gone is the day of management gurus telling us to try and save time at work by multitasking. This one-time fad has been proven to not only not work well but in fact, slows your productivity down. When you try to multitask, your brain must shift between lots of different activities constantly moving between the…

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Winter Months Are The Time to Restock and Reevaluate

Many in the cleaning industry are either taking time off or have slowed down so there is more time to get things done that can be overlooked during the busier times of your year. Here is a list of things you might want to look at during these slow Winter months. Check all your PPE…

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Cash Flow Tips for your Small Business

Cash flow is a big part of any business. If your customers are not paying you in a timely manner then you will have a hard time paying your vendors for the supplies you need to do business, to support the infrastructure to run your day-to-day operations, and enough left to support you and your…

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So You Are Getting a Tax Refund, Now What?

If you are like most people when you get a tax refund you want to go treat yourself with these newfound gains; go on vacation, eat out, buy new clothes or toys, etc. But you need to treat them like what they really are, delayed income. Hopefully, you don’t blow each paycheck on just fun…

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15 Ways to Show Employee Appreciation

Today, March 2nd, 2018 is National Employee Appreciation Day. Your business would not run without your employees and today of all days you should say Thank You. But there are ways you can say Thank You today and all year long that will let your employees know you feel they are a value to your…

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February is National Time Management Month

Time is something we could all use more of, but the best way to have more time is to find the places where we waste it. Any small business owner can make more time by being a little more organized and with some thoughtful scheduling. 1. Set aside time to make phone calls I am…

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How To Reach Your Goals

Many people start a new year with resolutions. Things they want to accomplish either just for themselves or for their business, some big some small. But we all know that a majority of these promises by this time of the year are already starting to slip. Here are ways to be able to set a…

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Today is National “Get To Know Your Customer Day”

I bet you did not know there was a “Get to Know Your Customer Day”. Well neither did I. It is actually observed annually on the third Thursday of each quarter (January, April, July, October) not just once a year. But this is a good time to mention something you should be trying to do…

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Task Cards, what are they, how can you use them?

Growing up I am sure all of you knew what flash cards were. And I am sure your teachers or even parents used them with you. These days classrooms call these same types of cards and others “Task Cards” and they have evolved to cover more than just spelling and math problems. Task Cards are…

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National Business Plan Month is here again

It is that time of year again, the last month of the last quarter, and time to start thinking ahead to the new year. And as it so happens December is also National Business Plan Month. Here is a refresher on this for 2018. Business Plans for Small Businesses Every small business should have a…

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