Diamond Springs Water Case Study

A customer had contacted us looking for a cleaner/wax to clean their delivery trucks. Later, they were still having what they were calling an issue to remove greasy fingerprints on their delivery trucks. But after finally asking for photos the true issue became clear. Challenges Diamond Springs Water, a spring water company, was having cleaning…

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How to Put Together a Chemical Spill Kit

Any contractor that works with and transports hazardous chemicals needs to also have with each vehicle that contains these hazardous chemicals a chemical spill kit to comply with OSHA standards. Most contractors are unaware that they need to have or how to use a spill kit. Just like many do not have or carry fire…

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Cold Weather Tips for Mobile Contractors

Cold weather is finally here for most of you and with that, special things you need to take care of now and be reminded of before you have a problem. For those that do not continue to work in the colder weather all equipment and supplies need to be winterized. Washers filled with an RV…

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December is National Business Plan Month

It is that time of year again, the last month of the last quarter, and time to start thinking ahead to the new year. And as it so happens December is also National Business Plan Month. Well, I wrote a blog post on this back in 2013 and just reposted that one last year but…

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Not Just Soap Anymore

As of October 1, 2015, Soap Warehouse has new ownership, and with that change comes new additions to what we can offer to our customers. After 23 years we will now carry more than just soap. We will be able to sell equipment, accessories, parts, and other supplies. Names like Mi-T-M, Pressure-Pro, Karcher, Cat pumps,…

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The Written Warning, What and How to Make One

Besides firing someone, the one thing managers and bosses hate is having to write up an employee for breaking a handbook rule or company policy. Here are things that you can have as a part of your written warning form. First of course would be the full name of the employee receiving the warning. Some…

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Why Does My Non Hazardous Cleaner Now Have Caution Labels

Well, you can thank the new OSHA GHS labeling system for that. When we were using the HMIS labels and a MSDS, for an ingredient to be considered a hazard, a hazardous ingredient had to make up more than 5% of the product. With the GHS labels and new SDS’s that amount has been lowered…

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Everyone needs to use ICE

What is ICE? And I am not talking about what goes into a drinking glass. ICE stands for “In Case of Emergency” and everyone who has a cell phone should be using ICE. Many state’s emergency personnel, including mine here in Georgia, are being trained in cases involving an incapacitated victim, where a cell phone…

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Participate in Local Projects and Find Paying Work Begging For Companies

Every business owner should keep up to date with their local town, county, or region’s news to be able to capitalize on opportunities to get work. Here are a few examples: Just last week I saw this for Watsonville near Santa Cruz in California. “Volunteers will be teamed with Watsonville Police and other community groups…

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To Hire Should You Do Background, Credit Check and Drug Test?

Most small business employers do not see the need to spend money on a background, credit check, or drug screening if they have already done the other three steps we have already been over. But this could be a costly mistake not to. Small claims lawsuits were on the rise in the last 10 years…

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