5 Things to Do During the Winter Slow Times

Now for many, this is the start of your slow time or winter break and you may think you have nothing much to do but sit around and wait for the temps to get warm again next Spring. Well, you are sorely mistaken if you want to improve and even build your business throughout the…

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How to Use Long Tail Keyphrases

When I say “long tail” I am talking about the keyword phrases that you place in your website page’s body copy, photo metatags, and in your blog posts that allow search engines to choose to show your website page over another. You first need to do it weekly or at least monthly research with your…

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How to Get Free Advertising

Everyone loves something for free but as they say “Nothing is Free” realistically. The same can be said for advertising. The only true free advertising is “Word of Mouth” but even then you as a business person did something that cost you money to earn that free recommendation “Who shared it with their friends”. But…

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