How to Use a Spill Kit

This is the last of my series on Spill Kits. I have told you why you need one, and how to put together one yourself and now we get to the part of actually using them. Here are the steps you need to take when you see or are made aware of a chemical spill:…

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How to Put Together a Chemical Spill Kit

Any contractor that works with and transports hazardous chemicals needs to also have with each vehicle that contains these hazardous chemicals a chemical spill kit to comply with OSHA standards. Most contractors are unaware that they need to have or how to use a spill kit. Just like many do not have or carry fire…

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PWNA 2014

Although it was a little later in the year for the annual Power Washers of North America convention, so that it could consider with CETA in Orlando, FL, it was a good event.   We again were a sponsor, an exhibitor and this year a speaker for not one but two breakout classes. This year…

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Mini Bulk Tanks

At the UAMCC convention in Houston Univar came as an exhibitor and brought attention to a product many large pressure-washing contractors might never have thought of or known was even available. Univar has a program called the Mini Bulk Service containment system. This is where they will deliver right to your location a specialized tank,…

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How to Properly Mix Drum Kits

Here it is the beginning of another cleaning season and the perfect time to again go over how to mix kits. I know this may seem rather odd to be writing a post on how to mix products, but we get calls all too often asking why a product is not working well, or the…

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The Importance of MSDS’s.

I have touched on this topic before but I plan to take this month, November, to emphasize the importance of the Material Safety Data Sheet. In fact I will be making available a whitepaper “How to read a MSDS.” that we have put together for free just by registering and requesting a copy. Any company…

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