Great American Trucking Show 2011

GATS as is it more affectionately known, has come and gone for another year. This past week in Dallas TX, truckers and trucking enthusiasts came to see what was new in the industry, look at cool decked-out trucks, and listen to country music singer and songwriter Jamey Johnson perform. GATS East is one of the…

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We are back from the trade show.

Well we are back home from the Great American Truck Show and even with a few hick ups before we started we had a great response and met some great people that we hope will become new customers. Here is a photo of me at the booth just before opening on Thursday August 2oth. I…

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Here at GATS.

Well we made it to the Great American Truck Show with a few set backs but the start is going well. We were to have 5 staff at this show but the owner of Soap Warehouse got a badly infected cyst on his hand and had to stay back in GA in the hospital to…

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The Great American Truck Show

I can not believe we have only three weeks until August 20th and the Great American Truck Show in Dallas, TX. It will be running from Thursday, August 20th at noon until Saturday, August 22nd at 6 p.m. We have been working very hard to make Soap Warehouse’s first major trade show a success and…

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Time to Stock Up

I can not believe this is March already! We have been very busy planing for this year. We are currently working on designing a new web site that we hope improves our customers enjoyment of our site. This has been a very cold snowy Winter for many of our customers and as such a slow…

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