Winter Season Tips

Happy Holidays to you all. Hope you all had a profitable year and we look forward to working with you in the New Year. Now for many, this is the start of your slow time or winter break and you may think you have nothing much to do but sit around and wait for the…

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Asking Brown Derby Users for Feedback

We are starting out November by asking the users of our most popular truck wash product “Brown Derby” to send us comments, testimonials, before and after photos, results you made happen for your clients and even video clips telling us what you like about using Brown Derby. As appreciation for the responses, we will offer…

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Referral Programs & Why They Work

Word-of-mouth is the best advertising. Although this is a familiar saying, most contractors do not use the very people who create the best word-of-mouth advertising – satisfied customers. It’s important that once you have satisfied your customer you then learn how to use this satisfaction for referral and/or reference programs. You can literally turn their…

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