All in One or Two Pass Cleaning for House Washing?

This is the second part of the discussion I started last week. Historically, house washes were single-step chemical washes made just to try and clean the surface with no other properties being asked for. But now more and more of the industry and customers want more from a house wash. Yes, they want clean, but…

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Car Wash Chemicals from Georgia Chemical

This month our product group focus will be on our Car Wash line. Many of our products can be used with automated equipment, pressure washers, and simple hand washing, bucket, and sponge applications. Be sure to read the description of the product and know the proper dilutions for your specific equipment. Proper dilution is the…

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How to Make your Chemical Dollar Go Further Suggestion 3

Continuation: Our third suggestion is to stretch your cleaner as far as you can to still get the results you need. Most people, pressure washers included, tend to think more is better. Twice the dirt means you should use twice the cleaner, and that is just not true. Many times the more soap you add…

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