Why optimize your web site for Mobile devices?

Over 48% of mobile users, use their device to search and find information about local companies and products while they are out shopping to help them with their buying decision. And out of those 48%, 53% make a decision to purchase or order services because of their search.

This confirms that not only do you need a presence on the internet that is optimized so potential customers can find you, it is imperative that once these mobile viewers find you they can see and understand your content so they might chose you over the competition.

It does not matter if you have spent hundreds of dollars on a web design, you need to keep up to date and be sure now that your web site is mobile freindly.

Here are a few articles and tutorials I have found that may help you. And if you are not the tech savy one, make sure your web designer if earning his keep.




http://www.mikeindustries.com/blog/archive/2005/07/make-your-site-mobile-friendly this one is much older but still has some good info.

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So do not put this on the back burner just because you think you are generating enought leads from your current web site. Go ahead and mobilize yourself today.