10 Ways to Reduce Chemical Spills

Learn how to reduce chemical spills to protect the environment, human health, and safety. Here are some effective ways to minimize the risk of chemical spills: 1. Store chemicals only in their UN-approved original containers When you try to use other types of containers to store chemicals you may not use the proper materials that…

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Safety Year in Review 2017 and forward into 2018

There were some safety issues of 2017 that you may not have heard about or that you should be aware of moving into 2018. As everyone knows 2017 was a year full of Natural Disasters: Hurricanes; Harvey, Irma, and Maria, wildfires in CA and the West, and man-made ones; mass shootings, vehicles used as weapons…

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How to Use a Spill Kit

This is the last of my series on Spill Kits. I have told you why you need one, and how to put together one yourself and now we get to the part of actually using them. Here are the steps you need to take when you see or are made aware of a chemical spill:…

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What are Spill Kits?

For my next safety blog to start the new year I will talk about needing and then making a spill kit. I have been asked many times by contractors, “Do I really need a spill kit? I one word, Yes. OSHA requries you as a contractor working out in the public to be responsible for…

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How to Keep Your Enclosed Trailers Cool and Safe

In the heat of the summer, it is hard to keep an enclosed work trailer cool. A hot trailer is not only uncomfortable but it can be downright dangerous. A hot trailer can allow your employees to overheat if they have to work in the trailer for even a short amount of time. You can…

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Cold Weather Tips for Mobile Contractors

Cold weather is finally here for most of you and with that, special things you need to take care of now and be reminded of before you have a problem. For those that do not continue to work in the colder weather all equipment and supplies need to be winterized. Washers filled with an RV…

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Gearing up for Fall Conventions

On Sept 10-12th Soap Warehouse will be at the UAMCC event in Charleston, SC. This National Convention is free and contractors that are not even a member yet are invited to come. Just contact me at 800-762-7911 or by e-mail at info@soapwarehouse.biz to request your free VIP tickets to get in. Once you have your ticket…

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May 3-9th is Safety Week

There are two ways for your employees to work while on the job, safely or unsafely. Everyday at every second an employee has and makes the choice of which it will be. This is a voluntary action and unfortunately is one where the employer can not force compliance even if you were standing right with…

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It’s Winter, So Let’s Talk About Deicers

Many of you work through the Winter months and therefore you are working outside with water in the cold that can freeze into ice. So at some point, you are going to have to face the issue of having ice in and around your work areas even when using hot water machines. To counter the…

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Keeping Safe in the Summer

Keeping your crews safe and working in the Summer should not be hard or expensive but there are things you can do that will make a difference in them wanting and being able to do the work you need them to do the entire summer. First, have your equipment working in tip-top shape and that…

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