Bio Barrier and the Competition

We have a great product, Bio Barrier that I have written about before. But with so many new products coming out onto the market now I wanted to explain again how Bio Barrier works and to list and compare these others as well. Just as with soaps, there will be a number of products that…

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New size and lower price for Bio Barrier

A great product just got better. Bio Barrier will now be available in 55 gallon drum kits and at a lower price. So not only will you save on the cost of keeping mold, mildew and algae at bay you can save on shipping cost too. Previously a full drum of Bio Barrier weighed 520…

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Bio Barrier and Mold Growth

The next product I would like to discuss is Bio Barrier. I wrote about this product last year but I will mention it again after speaking on Citrus X-terior earlier this week. Bio Barrier is a great follow-up product to any cleaning where molds and mildew have been a problem. Like with roof shingles –…

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Deck Cleaning and Stripping Advice from Georgia Chemical

The first step to deck cleaning is to find out if the wood only needs a general cleaning or if there is an old finish that needs to be removed and if the customer plans to retreat, seal the wood, stain, or paint. If you have a good finish under just general dirt, a good…

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How Bio Barrier Stops Gloeocapsa magma

I want to talk today about a product many of you might not know about that can add value to your house washing business, Bio Barrier. Bio Barrier is a ‘Mold Growth Inhibitor’. It helps stop the re-occurrence of that ugly black mold (Gloeocapsa magma) on roofs as well as the green mold that loves…

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